TALMA is an ROI Community Project & joint initiative of Schusterman Family Philanthropies,
The Steinhardt Family Foundation in Israel, and the Government of Israel joint initiative of Schusterman Family Philanthropies,
❖ Teaching Fellowships ❖ Trainings ❖ Virtual & School-Based Programs ❖ Curriculum Development ❖ Bridge Building ❖
The TALMA Summer Fellowship is a 3.5-week networking, professional development, and co-teaching experience for teachers from all over the world. Every summer from late June to late July, young professional educators gather together in Israel to co-teach English in high-need schools alongside local teachers, serving students of all backgrounds.
Aside from gaining international teaching experience, TALMA Fellows also strengthen their pedagogical and leadership skills, learn about Israel's beautiful and complex history and present, and develop long-lasting relationships with like-minded educators from around the globe.
As a TALMA Fellow, you will teach English in a classroom in Israel's geographic and socioeconomic periphery, together with a local teacher. You and your co-teacher will teach from Sunday to Thursday (the Israeli school week), from 8 am to 1 pm, focusing on helping your students become more confident & proficient English speakers. You'll be provided with a tried-and-true curriculum, but you'll also have the freedom to innovate and create to best serve your students. You'll overcome language and culture barriers, grow outside of your comfort zone, learn from and teach your co-teacher, and build amazing relationships in and out of the classroom.
Summer 2025 Addendum - we will continue to serve in communities that were displaced by the Oct 7 terror attacks and the ensuing war. Together we will bring joy and laughter to kids who need it the most, while continuing to teach English in fun, engaging, and creative ways. If you have a background in music, yoga, art, sports, or other creative or kinesthetic subjects, this is your chance to shine!
As a TALMA Fellow, for a few afternoons/evenings per week, you'll engage in workshops, experiential learning opportunities, speaker series, social events, and more. You'll gain exposure to entrepreneurial social ventures in the Start Up Nation; learn about innovative solutions and problem solving techniques to implement in your schools and/or communities; develop your leadership style and voice; and become a more skilled and creative educator. Get a glimpse into just a handful of some of our past sessions HERE.
TALMA Fellows are selected based on professional qualifications, commitment to education equity, and demonstrated leadership potential. This means that as a TALMA Fellow, you'll be joining an incredible cohort of passionate, driven educators who are in Israel for an amazing adventure! You'll have a ton of opportunities - both organic and planned by TALMA - to make professional connections, form new friendships, find travel buddies, etc.

In addition to the social events and professional development workshops that TALMA provides, the Summer Fellowship also includes round-trip flights from hub airports; ground transportation; accommodations; health insurance; and a food stipend to help cover meal costs.