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                                   FOR A BETTER FUTURE TOMORROW


  • To address education inequity by providing low-income Israeli students with experiential learning of English language.

  • To enable personal and professional growth of Israeli and international teachers.

  • To empower international educators to deepen their connection with Israel.



TALMA seeks to cultivate a pipeline of social justice change agents who will use their experience in Israel as a launching point for a lifetime of leadership. By investing in the personal and professional development of today's proven achievers, TALMA anticipates a return on investment in the sphere of influence that an alumni-base of future CEO's, policy makers, politicians, educators and entrepreneurs will have on the world of tomorrow.


TALMA creates meaningful learning experiences for students & educators seeking to grow, gain new skills & develop – both personally and professionally.


Educational opportunity is not only essential to empowering the Fellows of our leadership initiative, but the next generation of leaders-in-training that are found in every school through out the world. Exceptional teachers breed exceptional students and TALMA believes deeply in cultivating leadership at every level and for all students, regardless of race, religion, socio-economic status or place of birth.


Great leaders not only know their craft,

but themselves. 


The greatest leaders are those who think before they act, reflect after they act and can adjust accordingly - and only those who know themselves, their values and their beliefs can effectively lead others. Under this guiding belief, TALMA seeks not only to expose our Fellows and students to academic and skill-based training, but to create an immersive experience that goes beyond the professional qualifications and into the realm of the personal. 


For our TALMA Fellows, growing their leadership means exploring their character strengths, recognizing the values that propel their leadership and using that knowledge to develop their identity and shape their impact. Traits such as:



- creativity, curiosity, open-mindedness, love of learning, wisdom, bravery, grit, integrity, zest, love, kindness, social intelligence, citizenship, fairness, leadership, forgiveness, modesty, prudence, self-control, appreciation of beauty, gratitude, hope, humor, spirituality...etc.



For our TALMA Students, growing their English proficiency means growing their confidence and developing a "Can-Do" attitude. Our Fellows and their Co-Teachers teach our students that it is okay to make mistakes, it is okay to fail and it's better to do your best than to never try at all. Equally important is that students develop a new relationship with school - learning can be fun, experiential AND meaningful.


TALMA is more than a summer of volunteer teaching or an 11th month of school —it is a summer of learning, exploring, reflecting and networking for a lifetime of influence.

Mayor of Jerusalem, Nir Barkat, visits TALMA students at Keshet Talpaz. Summer 2015, Jerusalem, Israel

TALMA Fellows reflect on their transformational summer in Israel.

Summer 2015, Kfar Giladi, Israel

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